Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fall planting next Sat., garden update and photos!

Come join us for the start of Fall Planting Saturday, Sept.17th 10am-12pm.

I know, I know, it's ACL!  but the good bands don't start until later and we hope you'll bring your kids, family and friends to celebrate our community coming together to grow things.  Brunch goodies welcome!

We spent this weekend cleaning up the beds, preparing the soil, creating shade structures, swapping  garden advice and visiting with neighbors and park-goers.  Could not think of a better way to spend a solemn anniversary; working together towards something connective and good.

At one point a little girl and her brother came into the garden.  She, a very precocious 6 yr. old, began with lots of questions about the plants, cistern and rubber snake, then proceeded to share her theories on gardening.  Her younger brother stood there silent.  Collin asked her if he was her brother.  She said yes, then asked Collin if I was his "garden sister"?  We looked at each other and both said "yes!"  I have been trying to come up with a name to call us and I think I've got it!

So, Garden Brothers and Sisters, thank you for helping create our little neighborhood oasis.  It's been a long hot summer, but rain is coming and with your help the garden will be green in no time.

Check out the photos page updated with our first growing season.  It's amazing to look back and see how much we've accomplished :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love it, Roni! Here's an idea for anyone with an abundance of herbs (somehow many of mine have survived so far...)- the kids and I have been making Italian sodas. Just boil down some sugar with mint, basil, lavender, whatever, (fruit of course works great too, and you can use stuff that's gotten too mushy to eat), then cool and strain. Pour some sparkling water over ice and add the syrup, stir, beats Sierra Mist any day of the week!
    looking forward to seeing you all this weekend

  3. That is a great use of herbs and sounds SO delicious and exotic! We have lavender in the garden, more for pest resistance and ornamental, but we can def. try this idea. I think I'll brew a batch for the brunch spread. Do you have one of those soda water makers?
