Here's some upcoming events that may be of interest;
The Sunshine Community Gardens annual plant sale will be held March 3, from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m., at 4814 Sunshine Drive, Austin. The Sunshine Community Gardens annual plant sale is an outstanding source for organic starter plants, offering many varieties of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, herbs and other items. Arrive early for the best selection of hard-to-find and popular varieties. Free admission. Visit http://www.
The Austin Permaculture Guild and Habitat Suites, Austin's Sustainable Hotel, Present:
.... part of the Winter Series of Talks - 2 Sessions on Local Food - 7:00-9:00 PM....
-Thursday, March 8th - Local Food and You - The Producers - Gardeners,Farmers,Growers,
A Panel Discussion:
-Paige Hill, Urban Patchwork Gardens - Gardens, Urban CSA, Green Entrepreneur
-Germain Swenson, Munkebo Farm, Manor - Farmer, Duck Eggs, Cattle, Pigs
-Katie Kraemer, Tecolote Farm, Austin - Farmer, Veggies, CSA, Farmers Markets
-Jerry Cunningham, Coyote Creek Farm & Mill - Chickens, Cattle, Eggs, Organic Feed
-Thursday, March 15th - Local Food and You - The Purveyors - Markets, Institutions, Rests.
A Panel Discussion:
-Marla Camp, Editor/Publisher, Edible Austin Magazine - The Austin Local Food Scene
-Andrew Smiley, Deputy Director, SFC - Farmers Markets & Farm to Plate Programs
-Elvin Lubrin, Exec. Chef at St. Ed's - Cafe Bon Appetit Food Service - Institutional
-Jeff Woodard, Owner, Wholly Cow Burgers - grass-fed beef, free-range chickens, local vegs
As you've probably noticed, Local Food has been getting more and more visible - from Edible Austin, to Eat Local Week, to new and existing Farmers Markets, Farm Stands, and Local Delivery services, to local gardening classes and from the media. The price of oil and transportation are narrowing the price gap and shoppers, buyers, cooks, and customers are enjoying the good taste, feeling increased energy from the nutrition, feeling safer from toxins, and having fun supporting local businesses - their friends and farmers.
Please attend these important sessions - they are free; all are welcome. Show your support, learn about the latest in crops, products, markets, and businesses. Learn what you can do to help this vital local resource grow and prosper - for the good nutrition and sustainability of all. Please be there - Thurs., March 8th and 15th, 7:00-9:00, Habitat Suites Hotel. See you there.