Since the post-days of the COVID pandemic, there had been little activity at RWCEG. However, thanks to the rejuvenated interest of one of the original garden founders, Andrea Sparks, several new neighborhood families joined the RWCEG community to revive the garden beds and plant in late spring of 2023. Long time caretakers, Glenn and Evan Starnes guided the new gardeners on planting techniques and taught sustainability concepts.
Unfortunately, due to the exceptionally hot and dry summer, not many of the planting endeavors thrived. Nevertheless, there were some high moments during the Spring and Summer season as illustrated by the pictures below. Now that Autumn has arrived, we are hopeful to start new crops and fun community experiences.
Evan teaching about raised garden bed techniques. String beans, mint, and basil are growing in the foreground.
Evan giving a lecture on raising worms for composting.
Garden students building a worm habitat.
A "bug hotel" built to attract beneficial insects such as mason bees to improve pollination at the garden.
Dozens of snap pea pods were grown on a trellis.
Bell Peppers, basil, and strawberries! Note the pine straw mulch.
A string of cherry tomatoes growing on a vine.
A hornworm caterpillar eating a tomato plant...and the resulting spotted hawk moth!
Wild cucumber vines grew throughout the garden with high yields and no planting!
Real Mustang grapes and embedded fake grapes to fool local wildlife.
Zinnia and Sunflower flowers to adorn the garden beds.