I am organizing a work day on Saturday, June 25th at 3pm (when it becomes shady in the Garden) to have the weeds pulled and the walk ways re-mulched. I found some great First Grind Mulch for a great price at Kinser Ranch LLC. With some help from those with pick-up trucks, I plan to have 3 cubic yards of mulch brought to the Rollingwood Lower Playground/City Hall parking lot. From there, the mulch can be moved via wheel barrows. To aid with this effort, boy scout members from Troop 31 (Evan's Troop) will help with this labor as a Community Service Project. Any Rollingwood members available at that time are encouraged to come help. Even if you are unable to help with the labor, we would appreciate any available tools such as wheel barrows, shovels, or rakes. (Tools will be labeled so they will get back to their respective owners.) As we say in scouts, "many hands make for light work".
For what it is worth, Evan and I started with removing the weeds using a mattock pick axe and rake. After 4 hours of labor, we removed about three-quarters of the weeds and roots. The remaining will be removed on the Work Day.
Hope to see you there! Please contact me via email (at glenn_starnes@yahoo.com) if you have questions, concerns, or recommendations.
For encouragement, many black berries are nearly ripe for harvest.
Also, check out Evan next to his Monster Zucchini plant in his Garden Bed!
Garden after partial weed removal:
Thank you for your support!
- Glenn & Evan Starnes, members of RWCEG