In our discussions and observations about the first planting season, it seems we had been very good in making sure the plants were tended to by a point person who watered and tended all the beds on a particular day. The problem was, that unless we created an event, like a planting or harvest day, no one really got to hang out in the garden together, share tasks and garden tips and create community, which is really what this is all about.
So we are shaking it up a bit and sectioning off the beds into 4'x4' plots that will be planted and tended by any resident wanting to get involved. More similar to a community garden, but still communal in its share of harvest for the community. This way, we hope to get more non-structured traffic in the garden and spend more time gardening as a community. If you're too busy to manage a plot, but want to participate with your kids or friends, we can hook you up with a point person that will teach you about their individual plot and get you involved in watering and planting.
We have several groups interested in taking plots; Boy & Girl Scouts, Neighborhood Groups. Please contact if you and/or your group are interested in participating in the next phase of the garden!
Ruth and Anne re-string square foot grid
Paxton and Justin did a great job of watering and digging!
As Justin and Colin were leaving, they spied a friendly little garter snake on it's way through the park. Speaking of snakes, many children have been asking what our rubber snakes name is? I vote for Serpentina, any other suggestions?
Shade cloth and pines needles were added to help sun exposure and moisture retention. Apparently pine needles have a lot of acid which is a good additive for our alkali clay soil.
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